Pay from your pre-registered bank account or credit card.


Biller Code is 96503. Contact your participating financial institution to make a BPAY payment directly from your cheque or savings account. Enter your DEFT Reference Number as shown on the front of your levy payment notice.


Call 1300 301 090. Enter your card details and your DEFT Reference Number as shown on the front of your levy payment notice.


Detach the payment slip on your levy payment notice and send it with your cheque payable to ‘Macquarie Bank’ to:DEFT Payment Systems, GPO Box 4690 SYDNEY NSW 2001



Applies to all credit card payments. Currently these are:

  • Mastercard and Visa 1.50%
  • American Express 3.30%


You may make changes to all your pertinent contact information by registering as a WEBlink client via our website, email or contact our office on 1300 638 787. This will allow us to keep you informed of the issues concerning your property or contact you in the event of an emergency.


By law interest is charged at 10% pa on all overdue levies. In addition, an arrears processing fee will be applied to your account for each arrears collection process that is initiated by your scheme, including overdue levy notices.


It is important for every strata, neighbourhood and community title scheme that a steady and predictable cash flow be maintained to support essential expenditure requirements, such as insurance, electricity, water consumption and cleaning charges.Unlike a utility or service provider, such as Energy Australia or Foxtel, a strata or community title scheme cannot simply shut off a service to an owner that falls behind in their levy payments.

The Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (governing strata schemes) and the Community Land Management Act 1989 (governing community and neighbourhood associations) recognise the importance of owners paying their levies on time and both Acts provide their respective entities with a means of charging interest for late payments, as well as the costs associated with recovering late payments from owners who fall into arrears. These provisions are essential to ensure an Owners Corporation or Community Association as well as the other owners within the scheme are not unfairly subsidising these expenses.

Where owners fail to pay their levies by their due dates, additional administrative procedures must be initiated to recoup the levies that are overdue. The costs of the arrears processing fee include printing, stationery, postage and labour content associated with preparing the required documentation. In instances where the debts are substantial, an Owners Corporation or Community Association may elect to commence debt recovery procedures through a collection agent or solicitor in order to recover the debt. The costs of these debt recovery procedures may also be passed back to the lot owner.

If an owner believes that these charges have been unfairly passed onto them, they may appeal for a refund via a motion at the next general meeting of the Owners Corporation, however all fees and charges must be paid first before any such motion can be submitted to the Owners Corporation.If you are experiencing financial difficulty and wish to enter into a payment plan to pay off any arrears associated with your lot, please contact our office on 1300 638 787 so we can seek instruction from your strata committee or Owners Corporation.

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