Applicant Details


    Details to MovE

    Terms and Conditions

    • At least 72 Hours written notice must be given and approved before any move-in or move-out’s occur.
    • Lifts are NOT to be used for furniture removal unless the protective curtains have been put in place. Building Management personnel/Strata Committee/Strata Manager/Rental Managing Agent will instruct both removalists and resident on the move in/out procedure.
    • The resident/tenant is responsible for any damage caused to common areas, including lifts as a result of moving furniture etc. The resident remains responsible for all damages caused by privately contracted removalists. Any costs incurred for rectifications due to damage will be reimbursed directly by the resident.
    • No items involved in the move (including those being moved) are to block any access way. No items are to be left leaning against any wall, especially in lobby/common areas.
    • Only one lift is to be used during the move and where there is only one lift servicing the apartments, exclusive use will not be provided at all. However, the lift will be assigned to the resident to minimise misuse of the timing mechanism in the lift. Under no circumstances are items to be left on the lift door tracks to keep the door open to the lift, this can cause the lift doors to go out of alignment and cause the lift to breakdown.
    • The resident/tenant is to wait for the arrival of the removalists and advise them where to park the removalist truck; this will help minimise interruptions to other residents. Generally, removalists may park their truck along the street near the carpark entry to your building. If unsure, please contact the Building Management personnel | Strata Committee | Strata Manager for assistance as there may be a designated loading zone area.
    • When the move is complete, the resident is to contact the Management Office/Strata Manager to complete a final inspection of the corridors and other common areas to ensure no damage has been caused during the move. Where damage has been caused, the cost of restoration is to be paid by the resident.
    • Building Management personnel/Strata Committee/Strata Manager/Cleaner will remove the lift protection upon completion. Removal of excess waste from common areas remains the responsibility of the resident, including unwanted household items and cardboard boxes.
    • Moving can only occur during Monday - Saturday between the hours of 7AM – 9PM, any moving in or out that occurs outside of these hours will need to be organised with the Building Management personnel | Strata Committee | Strata Manager ahead of time.
    • It should be noted that the removalist company engaged provides their relevant insurances to Building Management personnel/Strata Committee/Strata Manager
    • Please consider your neighbours at all times during your move. Allow for other residents to travel to and from the lift in the lobby and adjacent hallways.
    • A refundable bond of $500 is payable, a $45 non-refundable processing fee (move in/out fee) is applicable.
    • I have read any applicable By-Laws for the scheme and agree to abide by them at all times.

    Achnowledgement and Sign-Off

    I/We acknowledge that I have read/understand the terms, conditions and By-Laws for the Scheme. I/We will comply with the conditions imposed.

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