Owners Details

    Bathroom Upgrade
    Other Works

    Renovation Questionnaire


    Building Details

    Timber Flooring Replacement

    Checklist of Items to be attached

    • Underlay Certificate Submitted with a '5-Star Rating'.
    Please note:

    “5 Star Rating” means the 5 Star Rating of the Association of Australian Acoustical Consultants, or such other standard as amends or enhances that rating from time to time. Namely:

      • Airborne Sound Insulation of not less than DNT,W + CTR= 50,
      • and Impact Sound Isolation of not more than LNT,W = 45
    • Flooring and Underlay Specifications
    • Council Requirements have been met by the owner.

    Please include the acoustic rating.


    By signing this Renovation Application, the Owner agrees and acknowledges that:

    • The by-laws for the strata scheme to be complied with at all times.
    • All necessary permissions including building or planning permits have been obtained.
    • All works will be carried out in a safe and workmanlike manner by qualified tradespeople.
    • All contractors visiting the site for the purpose of the Renovations will be informed that the secured common property including the garage area is smoke free.
    • The Owner indemnifies the Owners Corporation against:
      • a) Any legal liability, loss, claim or proceedings in respect of any injury, loss or damage to the common property or to other property to the extent that such injury, loss or damage arises from or in relation to the Renovations;
      • b) Any amount payable by way of increased building insurance premiums by the Owners Corporation as a direct result of the Renovations;
    • The Owner must, at the Owner’s cost:
      • a) Properly maintain and keep the common property on which the device (which forms part of this application) is erected or attached in a state of good and serviceable repair; and
      • b) Properly maintain and keep the Renovations in a state of good and serviceable repair and must replace the Renovations (or any part of them) as required from time to time.
    • If the Owner removes the Renovations or any part of the Renovations made under any approval following this application, the Owner must at the Owner’s own cost, restore and reinstate the common property to its original condition.
    • Any loss and/or damage suffered by the Owners Corporation as a result of making the Renovations good may be recovered from the Owner as a debt due to the Owners Corporation on demand with interest at the rate of 10% per annum until the loss and damage is made good
    • Major building works like demolition are only permitted from 0800 – 1600 Monday to Friday. To preserve amenity for your neighbours, no weekend noise or vibration is allowed except under exceptional circumstances and only then if specific approval is given by the Strata Committee.
    • Every effort will be made by the Owner to minimize the impact of their Renovation works on the amenity of fellow residents or possible damage to common property.
    • All rubbish or waste will be removed from the site daily by the contractors and not placed in the common property rubbish or recycling bins.
    • At the end of each working day, the Owner will inspect common property areas traversed by the contractors and will clean the areas of any building waste, material or dust resulting from the Renovations.
    • If you are not named as Owner on the Lot Title you must attach documentary evidence that you are legally entitled to act on behalf of the Owner, e.g. Company or Trust nominee letter or Power of Attorney.

    Further Timber Flooring Terms and Conditions

    • I will maintain the Hard Surface Flooring in a state of good and serviceable repair and must renew or replace it when necessary.
    • I will maintain those areas of the common property that represent a point of contact between the installation of the Hard Surface Flooring and the common property.
    • I will at my own cost repair any damage to the common property or the property of the Owner or occupier of another Lot occurring in the installation, maintenance, replacement, repairs or renewal of any Hard Surface Flooring.
    • I indemnify the Owners Corporation and Owners or occupiers of other Lots against
      • any legal liability, loss, claim or proceedings in respect of any injury, loss or damage whatsoever to the common property, or other property, or person insofar as such injury, loss or damage arises out of, or in the course of, or by reason of installation of the Hard Surface Flooring, that would not have been incurred if the Hard Surface Flooring had not been installed or constructed, and
      • any liability under Section 110(5) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, for damage to the Hard Surface Flooring, consequent upon the Owners Corporation performing work to the common property
    • If I fail to carry out the obligations under the By-Laws for the scheme after being requested in writing to do so, the Owners Corporation will be entitled pursuant to the provisions of Section 120(5) of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, to carry out the work and recover the costs from the Owner as a debt.
    • I may remove any Hard Surface Flooring, but must do so at my expense and in a workmanlike manner. I will ensure that, after any Hard Surface Flooring is removed, the common property is restored.
    • For the purpose of the By-Laws registered for the scheme, any Hard Surface Flooring shall remain the property of the Owner of the Lot installing it or the Owner of the Lot served by it, whether or not the Owner installed it.
    • Any rubbish from the removal of the existing or installation of the proposed flooring will be privately removed from the site at the expense of the owner/applicant no later than 24 hours after the works have been completed.
    • The owner/applicant understands that any approval for the changes to the flooring are considered a minor renovation subject to Section 110 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.
    • All documentation required shall be submitted with this application form.

    Achnowledgement and Sign-Off

    I/We acknowledge that I have read/understand the terms, conditions and By-Laws for the Scheme. I/We will comply with the conditions imposed.

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